Through engagement in learning games based on a weekly theme, kids will build vocabulary, develop their phonics, practice motor and emotional intelligence skills; we’ll also improve their reading, speaking & communications skills.
All of our curriculums are visible on our mobile apps:Preschool on the Go or KnowleKids.
Parents can buy our interactive learning materials (flashcards, local learning maps, holiday activities pages, learning toys) for home schooling or self-directed learning, or sign up for our online group lessons, private lessons & our offline local learning activities.
We recommend that parents sign up for some of our weekly online classes, then buy our interactive learning materials for self-directed learning!
We’ll start with Pacific Standard Time Zone( California) only. The class schedule will be published every three months. More classes will be available later on. Please join our email list and stay up to date!
Online Classes for Kids 3-5
Live Online Classes
Ages 3-5
KnowleKids Mobile Apps
Our mobile apps:Preschool on the Go™ & KnowleKids™ offer weekly (sometimes daily) age appropriate curriculums for kids 3-5, & 6-8 years old. They contain learning games, audio ebooks, and some videos. They cover vocabulary, phonics, reading, math, writing, introductory science, motor skills and social skills.
Parents can also use our apps to manage Tasks & Rewards for their children.
Download our Mobile Apps, Sign up our email list, Subscribe to our YouTube channel, Join our KnowleKids Facebook page, & Share with your family and friends!